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Mango Bay, also known as Ao Muong Beach, is the northernmost bay of Koh Tao. Considered one of the best snorkeling spots on the island, it allows for observing a wide range of colorful fish. However, the corals are quite damaged, and visibility can vary depending on the weather.

Mango Bay, Koh Tao
Mango Bay, Koh Tao.

How to get to Mango Bay snorkeling spot?

There are three options for snorkeling in Mango Bay:

  1. By taking a boat tour. Most Koh Tao tour operators offer full-day or half-day trips to visit Mango Bay and several other snorkeling spots, including Tanote Bay, Shark Bay or Lighthouse Bay. If you have little time and want to explore the best spots on the island, this option is interesting. If you want to be free to stay as long as you want on site, prefer the water taxi.
  2. By staying at the Ao Muong Beach Resort (located on Mango Bay Beach) or the Mango Bay Boutique Resort, set in the rocks above the bay. In both cases, the resort will organize your transfer by taxi or boat from Mae Haad jetty.
  3. By reaching the seaside by land: by taking a taxi/scooter to the Mango Bay Boutique Resort (entrance 200 bath/pers.), or by hiking from Jim’s Bar. The trail is not marked and the walk can be complicated (allow around 1 hour 30 minutes to reach the beach).
Mango Bay snorkeling map, Koh Tao.
Mango Bay snorkeling map, Koh Tao.

Water entrance for snorkeling Mango Bay

In general, you will enter the water from the small sandy beach of Mango Bay (snorkel entry 1 on the map ). Excursions include a stop on the beach. If you access the bay through the Mango Bay Boutique Resort, you will enter the water from the hotel’s wooden platform (snorkel entry 2 on the map), as this property does not have direct access to the beach.

Mango Bay snorkeling exploration tips

Mango Bay is a relatively open bay, 250 meters wide at beach level and more than 500 meters on the open sea side. The best snorkeling is naturally located on either side of the bay, along rocks. It is in these areas that you’ll see the most corals and fish, in a depth varying between 3 and 15 feet/1 and 5 meters.

Coral reef at Mango Bay
The coral reef at Mango Bay.

As often around Koh Tao, the corals of Mango Bay are in a very uneven condition. Busy areas often have dead or damaged coral, while more remote and deeper areas still have attractive clumps of branching coral, brain coral and finger coral.

You’ll also see in some places beautiful barrel sponges, blue sponges, and very colorful giant clams.

Barhead spinefoot at Mango Bay
A pair of Barhead spinefoot at Mango Bay.

The sea life of Mango Bay includes lots of parrotfish, spinefoot and wrasses. The Hong Kong butterflyfish, the eight-banded butterflyfish and the pennant coralfish also inhabit the reef. Anemonefish, however, are quite rare here: to get better chances to spot them, head to Tanote Bay or Shark Bay, in the south of the island.

Barrel sponge at Mango Bay
A barrel sponge.

Restaurants and accommodations nearby

Ao Muong Beach Resort and Mango Bay Boutique Resort both provide direct access to the Mango Bay snorkeling spot.


  • Level required Beginner
  • Maximum depth20 feet/6 meters
  • Water entranceFrom a sandy beach, a wooden platform, or a boat
  • LifeguardNo
  • Visitor numbersMedium
  • Access costsFree by hiking, 200 bath/person via the Mango Bay Boutique Resort, or cost of a snorkeling tour

MAP Spot

These snorkeling spots are accessible to beginners and kids. You will enter the water gradually from a beach, or in a less than 3ft. deep area. The sea is generally calm, shallow, with almost no waves or currents. These spots are usually located in marked and/or monitored swimming areas. It is not necessary to swim long distances to discover the sea life.

This level only apply when the spot experiences optimal sea and/or weather conditions. It is not applicable if the sea and/or weather conditions deteriorate, in particular in the presence of rough sea, rain, strong wind, unusual current, large tides, waves and/or swell. You can find more details about the definition of our snorkeling levels on our snorkeling safety page.