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Emerald Cove is a pretty natural cove located on the private island of Pangkor Laut, about 200 kilometers north of Kuala Lumpur. Despite not always optimal underwater visibility and coral-poor bottoms, you can see at Emerald Cove an interesting diversity of invertebrates and reef fish.

Reef fish at Pangkor Laut
A bluelined hind and a eightband butterflyfish at Pangkor Laut.

How to get to Emerald Cove snorkeling spot?

Emerald Cove is located on Pangkor Laut, a small private island neighboring Pangkor Island. The island is entirely owned by the Pangkor Laut Resort, a high-end resort. You will need to stay at the resort to access the snorkeling spot.

Emerald Cove Beach is the main snorkeling spot on the island. Located on the west coast of Pangkor Laut, it can be accessed on foot or by a free shuttle run by the resort.

Emerald Cove - Pangkor Laut snorkeling map
Emerald Cove – Pangkor Laut snorkeling map.

Water entrance for snorkeling Emerald Cove

Emerald Cove is a quiet and relatively sheltered beach. We get into the water directly from the sandy beach.

Emerald Cove snorkeling exploration tips

It is along the rocks, on both sides of the bay, that the best snorkeling is found. In these areas, the seabed features boulders and rock scree, on which some corals have grown.

Longfin batfish at Pangkor Laut
The Longfin batfish is a common sight at Emerald Cove.

You’ll notice in particular branching corals, finger coral, massive porous coral, but also some barrel sponges. Mushroom corals are sometimes spotted on the seabed.

The rocky areas attract gobies and blennies of all kinds. While most, imitating the color of the rocks, have fairly dull coats, the Smith’s blenny (Meiacanthus smithi) is particularly elegant.

Barrel sponge at Pangkor Laut
A small barrel sponge noted at reef.

The Moorish Idol, the eight-banded butterflyfish, and the streaked spinefoot are easy to see all over the reef. More occasionally, you will encounter longfin batfish, barred soapfish, or the uncommon bluelined hind.

Visibility on this spot is not optimal because there is often sand and suspended particles.

Long-spined urchin at Pangkor Laut
A Long-spined urchin at Pangkor Laut.

Emerald Cove generally does not experience currents but waves can form at times.

Restaurants and accommodation nearby

This spot is located within the Pangkor Laut Resort, which has several restaurants.


  • Level required Beginner
  • Maximum depth15 feet/4.5 meters
  • Water entranceFrom a sandy beach
  • LifeguardNo
  • Visitor numbersLow
  • Access costsStay at the Pangkor Laut Resort

MAP Spot

These snorkeling spots are accessible to beginners and kids. You will enter the water gradually from a beach, or in a less than 3ft. deep area. The sea is generally calm, shallow, with almost no waves or currents. These spots are usually located in marked and/or monitored swimming areas. It is not necessary to swim long distances to discover the sea life.

This level only apply when the spot experiences optimal sea and/or weather conditions. It is not applicable if the sea and/or weather conditions deteriorate, in particular in the presence of rough sea, rain, strong wind, unusual current, large tides, waves and/or swell. You can find more details about the definition of our snorkeling levels on our snorkeling safety page.