Level: Free shore access This spot have a free shore access: you can go snorkeling there freely and without having to book a tour or pay an entrance fee. Resort nearby
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Last updated on April 8, 2021
Flic en Flac boasts one of the largest and most enjoyable public beaches in Mauritius. Its white sand is bordered by a beautiful lagoon, making it an inviting place for swimmers and snorkelers alike. Coral health is variable, but a large variety of fish live in the lagoon, and snorkelers can swim along butterflyfish, moray eels, filefish and even small groupers.
Flic en Flac is a small village located on Mauritius island’s West coast, about 20km South of Port-Louis and 30km North of Le Morne. Cars (including chauffeur-driven cars) can easily be rent on the island. Buses also stop at Flic en Flac, but travel times can be long. Once in Flic en Flac, walk to the north side of the public beach.
We advise to enter the water from the beach, more or less in front of Ocean Restaurant (see on Google Maps here).
Flic en Flac lagoon is about 300 meters wide, but it is not necessary to get too far from the beach to start spotting interesting things. Only a few dozen meters from the shore, numerous coral clumps can be seen on sandy areas, attracting whitetail dascyllus, Moorish idols and butterflyfish (mostly racoon butterflyfish, vagabond butterflyfish and threadfin butterflyfish).
Hundreds of green chromis can also be observed at some places, especially around branching corals.
As one swims away from the beach, coral gets increasingly dense. Note that corals are quite deteriorated on this spot, just like it is on most Mauritian inner reefs. Their quality is better about 200m from the beach, where fine Acropora remain.
If you are a fit swimmer and if you have fins, one of the best options to enjoy this spot is to enter the water in front of the parking lot before swimming to the barrier reef and following it northwards.
As you get close to the barrier, water depth decreases: do not venture in the shallowest areas, as you could get hurt as well as broke corals. Wrasse, schools of goatfish, small honeycomb groupers and rabbitfish are commonplace inside the lagoon. Watchful eyes can even spot small moray eels or lionfish hidden amongst corals.
Mind the burrowing sea urchins covering some areas, sometimes close to the shoreline. Since the lagoon is frequented by boats, we advise taking a small diving flag along with you if you want to swim outside the swimming areas.
There are many restaurants in Flic en Flac. The numerous food trucks set on the beach’s parking lot are an excellent, cheap option for those not willing to spend too much. Many accommodation options, fitting all budgets, are also available nearby.
These spots are accessible to anyone with basic snorkeling skills, and feeling comfortable in the water and with his snorkeling gear. You will enter the water from the shore (beach, pontoon, ladder, rocks) or from a boat. The water height in the sea entrance area is reasonable, but you will not necessarily be within your depth. Moderate currents can occur in the area, even when the sea conditions are good. The distance to swim to reach the most interesting snorkeling areas of the spot does not exceed 200 meters. This level only apply when the spot experiences optimal sea and/or weather conditions. It is not applicable if the sea and/or weather conditions deteriorate, in particular in the presence of rough sea, rain, strong wind, unusual current, large tides, waves and/or swell. You can find more details about the definition of our snorkeling levels on our snorkeling safety page.
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Snorkeling spots are part of a wild environment and their aspect can be significantly altered by weather, seasons, sea conditions, human impact and climate events (storms, hurricanes, seawater-warming episodes…). The consequences can be an alteration of the seabed (coral bleaching, coral destruction, and invasive seagrass), a poor underwater visibility, or a decrease of the sea life present in the area. Snorkeling Report makes every effort to ensure that all the information displayed on this website is accurate and up-to-date, but no guarantee is given that the underwater visibility and seabed aspect will be exactly as described on this page the day you will snorkel the spot. If you recently snorkeled this area and noticed some changes compared to the information contained on this page, please contact us.
The data contained in this website is for general information purposes only, and is not legal advice. It is intended to provide snorkelers with the information that will enable them to engage in safe and enjoyable snorkeling, and it is not meant as a substitute for swim level, physical condition, experience, or local knowledge. Remember that all marine activities, including snorkeling, are potentially dangerous, and that you enter the water at your own risk. You must take an individual weather, sea conditions and hazards assessment before entering the water. If snorkeling conditions are degraded, postpone your snorkeling or select an alternate site. Know and obey local laws and regulations, including regulated areas, protected species, wildlife interaction and dive flag laws.