North America, surrounded by three oceans, offers a captivating and diverse underwater experience. Its vast underwater space makes it a unique destination, marked by stunning natural landscapes and a wide diversity of marine environments.
The Caribbean Sea, which touches parts of Florida and Mexico, is, without doubt, a must for snorkeling in North America. Nurse sharks, green turtles, barracuda, and a wide range of tropical fish all swim among the Caribbean’s coral reefs.
From the crystal-clear waters of the Florida Keys to the rugged coastlines of California and the pristine beaches of Hawaii, there are countless picturesque locations to explore and snorkel in. When looking for high-quality snorkeling spots, the Gulf of California and the Gulf of Mexico cannot be beat.
North America boasts well-developed tourism infrastructure, making snorkeling easily accessible for visitors. Whether you’re a beginner or an experiences snorkeler, the continent’s costal waters offer an abundance of unforgettable adventure waiting to be discovered.
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