Acanthuridae (a family comprising surgeonfish -or tangs- and unicornfish) have in common scalpel-like thin sharp blades located at the base of their tail. In case of danger, they draw those blades and use their tail to defend themselves.
Though middle-sized (15 to 40 cm at most), they are some of the most colorful reef fish. They mostly feed on algae and play a crucial part in the reef ecosystem as they leave room for coral to grow.
Surgeonfish can be observed alone, in small groups, and sometimes in impressive schools of hundreds of fish.
The most famous surgeonfish undoubtedly is the palette surgeonfish (or blue tang). Kids and grown-ups know it as Dory, the unforgettable yet forgetful sidekick in Pixar’s “Finding Nemo”. The best places to spot palette surgeonfish while snorkeling are the Western Indian Ocean (Zanzibar, Coromos, Madagascar and Seychelles) and the Great Barrier Reef.
You’re most likely to spot the convict surgeonfish with its black vertical stripes, very common from Eastern Africa to the Pacific area. In Hawaii, the yellow tang is unmissable, while the razor surgeonfish can be easily spotted in the eastern Pacific, including the Galápagos Islands.
Only 3 surgeonfish species live in the Caribbean, including the Atlantic blue tang that can be seen at most spots.
Atlantic blue tang
Acanthurus coeruleus
Doctorfish tang
Acanthurus chirurgus
Ocean surgeon
Acanthurus tractus
Palette surgeonfish
Paracanthurus hepatus
Powder blue tang
Acanthurus leucosternon
Whitecheek surgeonfish
Acanthurus nigricans
Japan surgeonfish
Acanthurus japonicus
Lined surgeonfish
Acanthurus lineatus
Sohal surgeonfish
Acanthurus sohal
Convict tang
Acanthurus triostegus
Black-barred surgeonfish
Acanthurus polyzona
Whitespotted surgeonfish
Acanthurus guttatus
Indian sailfin tang
Zebrasoma desjardinii
Pacific sailfin tang
Zebrasoma veliferum
Whitebar surgeonfish
Acanthurus leucopareius
Yellowfin surgeonfish
Acanthurus xanthopterus
Eyestripe surgeonfish
Acanthurus dussumieri
Epaulette surgeonfish
Acanthurus nigricauda
Black surgeonfish
Acanthurus gahhm
Achilles tang
Acanthurus achilles
Orange band surgeonfish
Acanthurus olivaceus
Doubleband surgeonfish
Acanthurus tennenti
Striated surgeonfish
Ctenochaetus striatus
Brown surgeonfish
Acanthurus nigrofuscus
Goldring surgeonfish
Ctenochaetus strigosus
Yellow tang
Zebrasoma flavescens
Brown tang
Zebrasoma scopas
Yellowtail surgeonfish
Zebrasoma xanthurum
Whitemargin unicornfish
Naso annulatus
Elegant unicornfish
Naso elegans
Bluespine unicornfish
Naso unicornis
Bignose unicornfish
Naso vlamingii
Razor surgeonfish
Prionurus laticlavius
Yellowtail surgeon
Prionurus punctatus
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