More than 300 species of Scorpaenidae (a fish family that includes lionfish, stonefish, and scorpionfish) inhabit the world’s seas and oceans. A general characteristic of this family is to have venomous spines, mainly situated in their dorsal fin, which can cause very serious injuries and be potentially lethal.
These fish are fortunately neither aggressive nor fast. However, scorpionfish are one of the main reasons why it is recommended not to step on the seabed or on rocks when snorkeling.
Some scorpionfish, like the stonefish, the most venomous fish in the world, are indeed camouflage masters. Others, such as lionfish, with their beautiful wing-shaped fins, are some of the most elegant fish in the world.
The famous stonefish can be seen from the coasts of East Africa to the South Pacific. The leaf scorpionfish, which occurs from South Africa to the Galápagos Islands, and often adorned with vibrant colors (yellow, red, or purple), is a great subject for underwater photographers.
Placid and majestic, lionfish are easy to encounter throughout the Indo-Pacific. Pterois miles (present from the Red Sea to Sumatra) and Pterois volitans (which replaces it from Malaysia to the Pitcairn Islands) are almost indistinguishable from each other.
These two species have become invasive in the Caribbean (where the most likely pathway of introduction is aquarium releases) and the southeastern Mediterranean (in which some individuals entered via the Suez Canal), where their voracity is a serious threat to local marine ecosystems.
Spotted scorpionfish
Scorpaena plumieri
Pacific lionfish
Pterois volitans
Indian Ocean lionfish
Pterois miles
Spotfin lionfish
Pterois antennata
Radial firefish
Pterois radiata
Zebra lionfish
Dendrochirus zebra
Dwarf lionfish
Dendrochirus brachypterus
Twospot turkeyfish
Dendrochirus biocellatus
Leaf scorpionfish
Taenianotus triacanthus
Two-stick stingfish
Inimicus filamentosus
Spiny devilfish
Inimicus didactylus
Synanceia verrucosa
False stonefish
Scorpaenopsis diabolus
Flasher scorpionfish
Scorpaenopsis macrochir
Tasseled scorpionfish
Scorpaenopsis oxycephala
Poss’s scorpionfish
Scorpaenopsis possi
Raggy scorpionfish
Scorpaenopsis venosa
Pacific spotted scorpionfish
Scorpaena mystes
Painted scorpionfish
Parascorpaena picta
Mozambique scorpionfish
Parascorpaena mossambica
Yellow-spotted scorpionfish
Sebastapistes cyanostigma
Cockatoo waspfish
Ablabys taenianotus
Red scorpionfish
Scorpaena scrofa
Small red scorpionfish
Scorpaena notata
Madeira scorpionfish
Scorpaena maderensis
Black scorpionfish
Scorpaena porcus
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